
Do you want to be part of our work? Even if you don’t have time to come over and help, you can share your life with the homeless by contributing. Here are some examples of how your contribution can make impact:

  • providing a cooked meal at the day centre costs less than 100KGS – why not sponsor 10 meals for 1,000KGS  (that includes the food bill plus the cook’s salary for a year divided by the number of meals provided in a year)
  • providing medical care (treatment from our doctor/nurse and medicines/bandages) costs 640,000KGS per year or 4,250KGS for every day the day centre is open. (calculated with med costs plus nurse plus doctor salary)
  •  sponsor one of our social workers for 5,750 KGS per week

Thank you for your support!

Online Donations

Please enter the donation amount in whole numbers. After that you will be redirected to the Visa portal where you can do the actual payment. At the moment payment is only possible in Kyrgyz Soms. See this page for the actual exchange rate. Donating using a foreign debit/credit card may incur additional bank charges.

Donate to our bank account (Swift)

In any other part of the word you can donate online via the KICB bank in either Kyrgyz Soms, Euros, British Pounds or American Dollars. We have two American Dollar accounts. Please contact Fountain of Life if you require correspondent bank information.

Euro Account
Account currency: EUR
Beneficiary name: Pcf Fontan Jizni
Account No: 1280016020639993
Bank: CJSC Kyrgyz Investment and Credit Bank,
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

USD Account #1
Account currency: USD
Beneficiary name: Pcf Fontan Jizni
Account No:1280016020639791
Bank: CJSC Kyrgyz Investment and Credit Bank
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

USD Account #2
Account currency: USD
Beneficiary name: Pcf Fontan Jizni
Account No:1280010168433165
Bank: CJSC Kyrgyz Investment and Credit Bank
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

English Pound Account
Account currency: GBP
Beneficiary name: PCF Fontan Jizni
Account No: 1280016020640094
Bank: CJSC Kyrgyz Investment and Credit Bank
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

if required:
Correspondent Bank: Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg
Address: Stuttgart, Germany
Account No of KICB: 7482008764

Kyrgyz Som Account
Account currency: KGS
Beneficiary name: Pcf Fontan Jizni
Account No:1280010068433138
Bank: CJSC Kyrgyz Investment and Credit Bank
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic


Donations for Dutch people

In the Netherlands you can donate through a partner organization “Plaats de wereld“. Please use the following details:

St Plaats de Wereld
IBAN NL84 TRIO 0254 6628 11
o.v.v. FOL Kirgizië

(NEW) Donate to our MBank MBusiness wallet

We now also support donations through our MBank account. This option is ideal for Kyrgyz residents, as MBank allows easy payments from almost all Kyrgyz digital wallets and bank accounts. Please scan the QR code to make a donation.

Donate to our mobile ELSOM wallet

In terminals all through Kyrgyzstan our with the ELSOM app (Android, Iphone) you can also donate. Please use our wallet number 13583

Donating through New Horizons (US Only)

In the US you can donate via our partner New Horizons.Please click this link to directly donate through their site